WURK® designs and develops websites, where the unique is in focus and aestetics counts. We make brands that convert and gives the ROI that your business deserves.
Design and functionalities are more that just being ridiculously good looking. It's about user experiences and serving a nice journey for your customers, whether it's straight up sales or lead generation.
We plan thoroughly, sketch and prototype, approve schematics and finally we set up a solution, that we can be proud of, both as supplier and customer.
Ecommerce & Webshops
With well above over 300 ecommerce projects in our portfolio, we can proudly say that we're experts in the field.
We help you with all formalia from legal GDPR, terms and conditions and payment gateway approval to shipping and CRM integrations.
Vi analyserer vore kunders behov og giver sparring for en velfungerende model, som matcher din virksomheds særlige behov og ønsker til online vækst. Vi implementerer gerne jeres shop med Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC, E-conomic eller Dinero.
Booking & Event Management
Save vast amounts of money on ticket sales, events and communicate seamlessly with your clients. Manage guests, check-in systems and finally optimize time spend on systems, exporting, importing and managing data.
Booking and events are not simple solutions. Contact us with your demands and wishes and maybe we can help your business with future growth.
Integrated solutions
Are you accountant struggling to figure out advanced systems and complains about manual labour? We automate and integration a wide range of solutions and platforms, so manual errors do not occur and work is consolidated to just the essential part of making a higher gross margin.
Kontakt os for at høre mere om Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC, E-conomic, Dinero samt andre integrationsmuligheder som kan hjælpe din forretning.
Udvalgte kunder & referencer
Disse kunder har nydt vores selskab og vurderet, at vores ekspertiser var tilstrækkelige til at repræsentere deres brands.